Content Validity and Reliability of Electronic Braking Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance Manual for Automobile Craftsmen in Nigeria


  • Arah A. Saidu
  • Audu Rufai
  • Abdulkadir Mohammed
  • Umar I. Yakubu
  • Idris A. Mohammed



Automobile, Craftsmen,, Manual,, Reliability, Validity.


The study determined the content validity and reliability of electronic braking systems troubleshooting and maintenance manual for automobile craftsmen in Nigeria. Two research questions were raised and answered. The study used descriptive survey research design using cross sectional type. The study was conducted in Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, Kaduna, Kano, Lagos and Plateau States, Nigeria. The population for the study was 43 non-teaching and 56 teaching Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC) and Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and affiliated institutions offering automobile mechatronics training programme. Purposive Sampling Technique (PST) was used to sampled nine SMEs consisting of four non-teaching and five teaching for testing the content validity and reliability of the manual. The instruments used for data collection was a Manual Content Validity Index (MCVI). Data were collected by administering the draft copies of electronic braking systems troubleshooting and maintenance manual and MCVI to the nine SMEs. The data collected were analyzed using content validity index formula and Cronbach's Alpha statistical technique. Findings from the study revealed that, the electronic braking systems troubleshooting and maintenance manual for automobile craftsmen in Nigeria is valid and reliable. The study recommended that, the two most relevant stakeholders in automotive maintenance industry (National Automotive Design and Development Council and Industrial Training Fund) in Nigeria should provide a conducive atmosphere for testing the effectiveness of the electronic braking systems troubleshooting and maintenance manual on the skill performance of automobile craftsmen


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How to Cite

Content Validity and Reliability of Electronic Braking Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance Manual for Automobile Craftsmen in Nigeria. (2022). CaJoST, 3(2).