Submission and Review Policy

Submission and Review Policy

Authors and reviewers are advised to read relevant sections below to guide them on preparing or reviewing manuscripts for the journal.

Submit a Manuscript for Review

Manuscripts are to be submitted online at using the template. Submitted manuscripts should be prepared following the guidelines.

Processing of Manuscripts and publication charges

  1. Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed after payment of a processing fee of Fifteen Thousand Naira (N15,000.00)only and the outcome is communicated to the corresponding author within four weeks of submission.
  2. Reviewed articles are published only if a publication fee of Twenty Five Thousand Naira (N25, 000.00) only is made.
  3. All fees are payable to the Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology.

Bank Name: UBA;

Account Name: Caliphate Journal of Science and Technology;

Account No.: 1021691628

Ethical considerations

  • Prior publication: Authors should only submit original, previously unpublished articles and articles which are not under consideration elsewhere. If previously published figures, tables, or parts of text are to be included, authors must obtain and submit permission from the copyright holder.
  • Author consent – Consent of all co-authors must be obtained before submitting a manuscript. Consent of any removed author after submission must be forwarded to the Editor.
  • Authorship Criteria – Authorship should be based only on substantial contribution to (i) the concept and design of the study (ii) acquisition or analysis and interpretation of data (iii) drafting or reviewing the article. The sole participation in the acquisition of funding or data collection does not justify authorship.
  • Plagiarism – The content, concept, and writing of all submitted manuscripts must be original. It is inappropriate for an author to reuse wording even from one’s own previous publications. All manuscripts would be checked for plagiarism.
  • Use of Human and Animal Subjects – Research involving human and animal subjects must meet international guidelines on the use of human and animal subjects for study.
  • Privacy statement: The names and email addresses provided to the journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and not any other purposes and will not be made available to a third party.
  • Proofs and Revisions
  • Galley proofs will be forwarded to the corresponding author. To avoid delays in publications, proofs should be checked carefully and returned within 48 hours.
  • Post-production corrections (Retractions and expression of concerns)
  • Corrections are made if the publication record is seriously affected by the academic accuracy of the published information. Where these amendments concern peer-reviewed material, the corrections are published as a formal notice (erratum) in a subsequent issue.
  • Offprints Information
  • In addition to one hard copy, the corresponding author will be provided with free electronic reprints as PDFs as a thank you for their contributions.

Summary of the Peer-Review Process

  • Submitted manuscripts are sent to two (2) to three (3) reviewers for double-blinded peer-review based on the recommendation of an Associate Editor in the research area. The outcome of the review process (including copies of the reviewed articles, reviewers’ evaluation forms, CaJoST manuscript preparation guidelines, author’s checklist and referencing guide) are communicated to the corresponding author within three (3) weeks of submission. For manuscripts recommended for acceptance with minor corrections, the authors are advised to review the manuscript in line with the observations of the reviewers and resubmit the following documents to the editorial office within 72 hours: a copy of the revised manuscript, itemized/tabulated response to reviewers’ comments and a completed author’s checklist.
  • On the recommendation of an Associate Editor, who crosschecks the revision on the manuscripts, the Editor-in-Chief, approves the manuscript acceptance and acceptance letters are issued within 24 hours of receipt of the revised manuscript.

Publishing Agreement

A properly completed and signed Journal Publishing Agreement must be submitted for each manuscript. Please download a copy of the agreement here.

Copyrights and Open Access Policy

The journal operates an open access policy. Works published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Publication Frequency

Beginning 2023, the journal will increase its publication frequency to three issues (March, July and November) in a year.

Documents for Reviewers

Interested reviewers can contact the Editor-in-Chief via Reviewers would be expected to complete peer-reviewing of manuscripts within 2 weeks. Relevant documents for peer-reviewing can be downloaded below.