Mathematical Model for the Transmission Dynamics of HIV/Aids and TB Co-Infection
Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Co-infection, Basic reproduction numberAbstract
This paper presents a mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of
HIV/AIDS and TB co-infection. The model is governed by seven (7) system of
ordinary differential equations namely: Susceptible, Latent TB, TB infectious,
Treated TB, HIV infected, HIV/AIDS and TB co-infected and AIDS. The disease
free and endemic equilibrium points were obtained for HIV/AIDS sub model, TB
sub model and HIV/AIDS and TB co-infection model. We also derived
reproduction numbers for HIV/AIDS sub model, TB sub model and HIV/AIDS and
TB co-infection model. It was established that the model is locally and globally
asymptotically stable provided that
R0 <1
and unstable when
R0 >1.
Numerical simulation shows that treatment of TB reduces the spread of TB
among TB infected and HIV/TB individuals