Diffusing Species Into Some Host Metals In Spherical Solids





This study examined the diffusion of some species into somehost metals in spherical solids. The time dependent diffusion equation in radial spherical coordinate was transformed into time independent equation resulting into Bessel’s differential equation of order zero and solution sought using the Frobenius method to enable us determine the concentration of the system. The resulting solution with the fractional Stokes-Einstein model was used to plot graphs to enable us determines the effect of the fractional exponent and temperature on the different diffusing species. Temperature rise results in an early saturation or convergence which later diverges indicating the increase in the concentration of the diffusing species. As the fractional exponent increases, it is observed that concentration of the diffusing species is enhanced. A model to determine the diffusion coefficient of the host metals is also suggested. The distinct approach and findings of this work contribute valuable advancement in the field of diffusion analysis and have potential implications for a variety of applications involving solid-state materials.


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How to Cite

Diffusing Species Into Some Host Metals In Spherical Solids. (2024). CaJoST, 6(3), 360-370. https://doi.org/10.4314/vnf87276